Dancing in time…

Timing is a crucial element in wedding dance. It refers to the ability to move and coordinate your steps with the rhythm of the music. Here are some key points to consider regarding timing in wedding dance:

Choose the Right Song

When selecting a song for your wedding dance, pay attention to its tempo, beat, and structure. Opt for a song with a clear and steady rhythm that is easy to follow. This will make it easier to stay on beat and maintain consistent timing throughout your dance.

Practice with the Music

Practice your dance routine with the actual song you will be using for your wedding dance. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the specific tempo and nuances of the music. It helps develop a natural sense of timing and allows you to synchronize your movements with the rhythm.

Counting and Musical Phrases

Understanding musical phrasing can assist in maintaining timing during your wedding dance. Most songs have a distinct structure with sections like verses, choruses, and bridges. Counting the beats or recognizing these musical sections can help you anticipate changes and transitions in the music, allowing you to adjust your movements accordingly.

Connection with the Music

Truly connecting with the music is essential for maintaining timing. Listen to the nuances, melodies, and accents in the song. Let the music guide your movements and inspire your expression. When you feel a strong connection to the music, it becomes easier to stay in sync and on beat.

Body Awareness

Develop a sense of body awareness and control. Pay attention to the rhythm of your steps, the movement of your arms, and the alignment of your body. Being mindful of your body and its relationship to the music helps you maintain proper timing and fluidity in your dance.

Partner Coordination

If you are dancing with a partner, timing becomes even more important. Both partners should be synchronized and in tune with each other's movements. Practice leading and following techniques to ensure a seamless connection and accurate timing between the two of you.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Consistent practice is key to improving timing in your wedding dance. Regularly rehearse your routine, focusing on precision and accuracy. Break down complex steps and movements, and gradually increase the tempo as you become more comfortable. The more you practice, the more natural and effortless your timing will become.

Remember that timing in dance is a skill that can be developed with patience and practice. Don't get discouraged if you initially find it challenging. With dedication and a focus on the music, you and your partner can create a beautiful and well-timed wedding dance that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.


Teamwork makes the Dream work


Choosing your first dance song